̶ ǥ ڿ ʾ Դϴ. ѹ غ ʾ ̳ŵ. Ȥ ķ ñϱ. 뷫 ˰ ͽϴ. Ͻʽÿ.
ȸ (Ե ȸ شմϴ) Ŀ ʽϴ. Ծ ó Ĺ ô° ϰ Ư Լֺ ױ ǹ̴ Ⱓ( 10°)߿ ֽϴ. 븸 Ȩ ¶ - Ǽ ֽϴ. Ÿ ùâ "Į" Ǵ " " Ǽ ֽϴ.
, Դٰ ʽϴ ? 뿡 Ͽ ʴ ʱ Դϴ., Whatever the racial group,Lip strain- evidently unnatural apperance around lips to hide teeth and lip incompetence- failure of the lips to meet at rest are the hallmarks of protrusion Dentofacial surgery , ̰ ֱ ܼ ణ ϴ° ƴ϶ ͼ ٹ ų ִ°ó ϶ ° ٰ Ͻø ˴ϴ.
Ѱ Ģ ߿ϰ ܼ ؾմϴ, 帰 پ ̸ Ͽ Դٰ ó,Ģ Ͽ ȿ ϽǼ ִ ص帱Դϴ. , Ģ 帮,Ϲ ϸ鼭 ϴ ǻ ǿ Ͽ ġ Ѹ ʿ ,subnasal osteotomy ǻ翡Դ ̵ ִ ( Ͽ찡 ߿մϴ) Ģ (anterior nasal spine) ڱ ٷ Ա õ ,nasal notch osteotomy Ҽֵ 帰 Ģ nasal notch osteotomy մϴ. Ŀ ȯ ,ȿ ̷ Ҽ ִ κе ȯڰ ū ̰ ü ִ ֱ Դϴ. , ౸ ȭ簡 ڸ ó ȭ簡... ̳Ŀ ̰ ϴ.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------̹ 亯帰 ¶ 㳻ӿ κ Ͽ ø 뵵 ֽϴ.ռ 帰 亯 ߺ 亯 ̴ ֽø ϰڽϴ.